Terms & Conditions

Welcome to the ghdsportspro!

The following terms and conditions highlight the rules and regulations for the use of the ghdsportspro website: https://ghdsportspro.net/.

By visiting this site, we assume that you accept these terms and conditions. You may discontinue using this site if you do not accept these rules and regulations.

The terminologies used in this page, whether in the policy statement, disclaimer, or all agreements. The terms “Client”, “You”, and “You’re” refers to the person who uses the services. Also, the terms “we” and “us” are used for the developers and website owners. Now, we may use these terms singular or plural or interchange them, but all mean the same.


We employ to use cookies. By visiting our site, you agree to use the cookies in agreement with ghdsportspro’s privacy policy.

Most interactive sites use the cookies to make the browsing experience better with every visit. Our site keeps the cookies’ data to make it easier for others to reach. These cookies are helpful for the website and sometimes our affiliate/advertising partners may also use them.


The website owners or its licensors own the intellect property that is posted on GHD Sports. All the data that is provided on this site is owned with the owners. You can use it for personal use from the site: ghdsportspro.net. All the intellectual property rights are reserved. You may use with some restrictions set in these terms and conditions:

You must not:

  • Republish any material or content from ghdsportspro.
  • Sell, rent, or sublicense any material.
  • Reproduce or redistribute material or content from ghdsportspro.

Posts on this site offers an opportunity for visitors to share their views, information, and knowledge in the comments section. We do not edit, hide, or post your comments. Indeed, you have the right to share your views and opinions through comments.

Hyperlinking to our content:

Some organizations make hyperlinks to our website without any prior notice:

  • Search engines
  • Government agencies
  • News agencies
  • Online directory distributors

Other than these, if any of the businesses or websites are interested in linking to our site. They must contact us through email. We will surely contact you within 2-3 business days. Please include your complete details along with this email.


Without any prior notice or approval, you are not allowed to create frames around our web pages. Indeed, they must not alter in any way the visual representation or appearance of our website.

Reservation of Rights:

We reserve the rights to make any changes to these policies terms and condition. However, we also reserve the right to remove any link that you have attached to our site.


Ghdsportspro is a free platform that provides you with services and content for free. Thus, we are not responsible for any personal loss or fraud from any third-party. Shall, we will not be liable for any loss or damage to any nature.